MONOLOGUE: Missy talking to Susie they both died violently; rape/murder; both have fathers that miss then. They can be talking about how they felt after they were killed. They could give advice about how a person can deal with it; how their family can deal with the death and how you should forgive your enemy. Show character traits both were very brave, strong and learned to accept their death and found peace in heaven.
IPod Characterization:
The Lovely Bones:
1. Jack – Throughout chapter 16 and the snapshots, the readers notice that Jack and Abigail are becoming distant from each other. Eventually, Abigail leaves the family and doesn’t return for eight years. In those eight years, it is easy to imagine the pain and loneliness that Jack must have felt. This is why Adele’s song, “Rolling in the Deep” fits perfectly with Jack’s character. The song portrays the theme of rage, hate and also sends a message of revenge. Adele shows her feelings towards her ex-boyfriend after he cheats on her through this song. Similarly, if Jack had this song on his playlist, it would represent his feelings towards Abigail. He was cheated on by Abigail when she has an affair with Len. Later, Jack is betrayed when Abigail leaves him and the family during the most difficult time of their life. This song is upbeat, but brings a sad mood to the audience because of its lyrics. For example the lines, “You had my heart inside your hand and you played it to the beat” are repeated several times throughout the song. The lines can be interpreted as “You had control on my heart and you used it to your advantage.” Jack loved Abigail unconditionally, but Abigail didn’t feel the same. She was only thinking of herself while Jack was depressed due to Susie’s death. To conclude, Adele’s song, “Rolling in the Deep” relates to this section of the book through Jack’s character because it shows the abandonment and hatred he felt due to Abigail’s