
To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 1 Language Techniques

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caswell uses numerous techniques in chapter xx down…...firstly the use of italics is very prominent. caswell uses the italics on the baby's speech and myriam’s experiences as she tries to help using the italics, the words stand out among the rest and it helps the reader's to know that the setting and time has changed to myriams experiences. also it keeps the reader more entertained due to the variation of speech style and putting emphasis on myriam’s recount and the baby’s speech. caswell also uses imagery in the chapter, especially when myriam is inside ricky’s mind. “the soundless voices of a million minds, crashing in waves against the fibre of her soul. it tore at her sanity, but she could not give into it.” is a prime example of imagery in the chapter.It creates a vivid image of the sea which is usually related to powerfulness and influence. imagery heightens the feeling shared with the reader. by describing the chapter with such detail, the reader's feel like they are experiencing the story themselves and that they are a part of the book and in turn it keeps the audience more focused. by saying that miriam is experiencing the …show more content…

“what about the others? why were you so keen for me to see them? are they behaving -” “ why don’t you judge for yourself.” is a extract of a conversation between larsen and susan. the dialogue shows that susan is probing deeper into the conversation to try and get more information of larsen which he wasnt providing to her and larsen is getting frustrated as he knows he is doing something wrong but doesn’t want to admit it to susan as he has a large ego. by having the dialogue, we could get a better idea of what susan and larsen were like as people. while dialogue also provides further characterisation, the dialogue also helps keep the experience real for the reader's so they could understand and feel what each character were like as

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