Dementia is a term for a general loss of brain function. A person with dementia has memory loss and a hard time with at least one other brain function, such as thinking, speaking, or problem solving.
Dementia can affect how you are around people, how you do your job, your mood, and your personality. It can get worse with time. Depending on the cause, the condition may be completely or partly reversible.
Causes of potentially reversible dementia include:
Certain medicines.
A metabolic problem, such as drinking too much alcohol, vitamin B12 deficiency, or thyroid disease.
Pressure on the brain, such as from a tumor, blood clot, or buildup of fluid.
Causes of irreversible dementia include:
Alzheimer's disease. …show more content…
Memory testing.
An evaluation of brain function called neuropsychologic testing.
Lab tests.
Imaging tests, such as a CT scan or MRI.
You may be observed over a period of time and re-evaluated.
Treatment depends on the cause of your condition. Treating the cause can slow down how quickly your dementia gets worse. In some cases it may improve the dementia or make it go away completely.
Your health care provider can help direct you to groups, organizations, and other health care providers to help with decisions in your care.
The following suggestions are intended for the person living with or caring for the person with dementia.
Create a safe environment.
Remove the locks on bathroom doors to prevent the person from accidentally locking himself or herself in.
Use childproof latches on kitchen cabinets and any place where cleaning supplies, chemicals, or alcohol are kept.
Use childproof covers in unused electrical outlets.
Install childproof devices to keep doors and windows secured.
Remove stove knobs or install safety knobs and an automatic shut-off on the stove.
Lower the temperature on water