Throughout the countless generations of our existence, we as a global community have pondered a variety of noteworthy enquiries. Most notably, the following come to the forefront. How did the universe come into existence? Does God exist? Does evil exist? What is the ultimate reality? The emergence of these thought provoking questions is something we as a society have become accustomed to debating. Rationally speaking, there simply cannot be one precise justification for these questions. Judging on the history of this heated topic, it is apparent that a variety of possibilities have arisen.
The truth of the matter is that the nature of God and religion in itself can be perceived and interpreted through a broad array of individual beliefs. What one individual deems to be the ultimate reality can differ tremendously from another individual’s viewpoint. Ultimately, a person’s culture experiences, traditions, and beliefs all carry significant weight into their perceptions of God and religion. This in fact, is the ultimate reality. Fortunately for us, the use of religion alleviates some of the speculation as it gives us a firm basis of discussion for argument sake.
To begin with, it is fundamental to interpret what is classified as religion. Religion has been globally renowned as a set of symbolic world views, theories of action and institutions that relate individuals and groups of individuals to that which they consider to be the ultimate reality. Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are all vivid examples of belief systems that are devotedly practiced worldwide. Although unique in their own respective way, all of these belief systems share the common ground of being classified as religions. Contrarily, Atheism (although it possesses the “ism”) is often disregarded as a religion due to a variety of reasons. Not only does majority of the public disregard Atheism as a religion, but also refuse to accept it as an ideology, philosophy,