There is an example in the briefing sessions listed on page 39 in the text book. Number seven is an example of a pregnant woman deciding to get an abortion after a serious automobile accident. She was left with a spinal cord injury and the physician tells her that she would have a better chance of recovery if she was not pregnant. However the hospital disagrees and forbid an abortion. The hospital does not have the right to make the mother choose to risk her life in order to save her unborn child. It may seem like a heroic act for her child, but the hospital is trying to force her into a situation where her own life would be in danger or leave serious consequences if she decided to have her child. The hospital displays the Thrasymachus view…
There is more than one side to the debate about cell phone availability during school. One claim is that students should be allowed to have their phones on them and use their cell phones during appropriate times. In the article, the authors provide details about how there are numerous reasons why cell phones should be allowed during school. Students should be allowed access to cell phones, because if they are responsible enough to be going off to college in a year or so, they should be responsible enough to have a cell phone on them and use it wisely (George and Cook). Another reason why cell phones should be allowed in school is because otherwise it can create a divide between the students and the teachers. Students are so invested in their phones, so if a teacher…
So, should the students have cell phones in school or not? Having your phone maybe important because your parents need you or you are working on a very important assignment. But maybe they shouldn't…
I believe that cell phones are necessary in teen’s lives for the following three reasons. Firstly, they are a good social way to keep in contact with friends and family. Secondly, they are a fast and easy emergency resource. Thirdly, cell phones are an easy way to access the internet and they are entertainment to teens.…
Cell phones may be a very useful tool in school because they contain multiple uses including a camera, a messaging system, a calculator, and even a web browser on some models. This may sound like a good suggestion to have one in school, but allowing cell phones in school is not a good idea. Many students will abuse their cell phones abilities like texting in class which will distract the student and prevent the student from learning. Therefore, cell phones should not be allowed in school because it will lure the student to use it and it will cause many problems for the student and the teacher.…
Tale: In more important emergencies cell phones could protect somebody from serious danger. Students can get in touch with their parents about after school activities too.…
Cellular phones are very distracting. Are we now slaves to our technology? If the student needs to call home they only need to go to the main office or guidance to contact a parent or guardian. Most calls home are not for emergencies, they are for mere simple communication that do not need to be done during school. It must have been a miracle that I made it through that time without the need of a cell phone. The majority of the calls, if not all, will be used in idle chatter. Their current uses are for distraction, social interaction, and lewd photography. And let's not ignore the parents who would call students DURING CLASS to talk about non-emergency issues. If it is truly an emergency, call the school main number and have the child brought to the office. There should be NO tcell phones in the schools.…
Next, safety precautions are a big deal. They help advise people on what to do if needed. Cell phones help with those precautions. They can help with contacting special services. Imagine a student were at school and he or she ran into something or fell down and got seriously injured.Cell phones can help parents placate these worries.…
Another reason cell phones should be allowed in school is because students are old enough to know what can be done and what cannot be done. In support of this, students aren’t happy about the fact that only teachers have the privilege of bringing cell phones to school. They feel that they are not being trusted and treated equally by the…
To start off, cellphones should not be allowed in school because they can interrupt the class and teacher. For example, if a professor is teaching a class a new lesson and suddenly a cellphones starts to ring, the teacher will have to stop the class and talk to the pupil. After that, they would have to remember their “train of thought”. Additionally, cellphones can interrupt the class when an exam or quiz is in session. In a recent article done by the New York Times, it was stated that 75% of an eighth grade class failed their state exam because of a cellphone interruption. In other words, the cellphone was “yelling” really loud, the students were not concentrating and it was difficult to turn off.…
Another reason cell phones should not be banned in classrooms is because students can use them as a reminder or planner. Generally, cell phones have a calendar built in the device. In my biology class, I have a unit 5 test, unit portfolio assessment and a lab report due all on different days; I used my calendar app in my cell phone to be a reminder. Therefore, cell phones can remind me that I have assignments and tests coming up. This shows that a cell phone can benefit students in the classrooms.…
Cell phones provide communications for an emergency use by any other student or school staff member in a crisis.…
Emergencies can happen anytime. If something happens like they get injured badly you could call 911. They make students happy because they can learn better and play games during free time. It helps learn by using resources and getting information. It can also teach kids responsibility to keep track of their phone.…
One reason cell phones should be banned is for communication purposes. Students need to be able to talk and interact with each other instead of communicating over a screen. By using phones people often run away from our problems when we should face them. If someone is having a problem with someone they should tell them face to…
1) Cell phones should be allowed because a student should be able to call 911 immediately if required for whatever reason. More specific example: in one of the schools shootings, it was a student cell phone that was able to alert police to the presence of a shooter in the school.…