Index Terms—Quantum computing, decoherence, measurement problem
Decoherence is considered as one of the important research areas since 1980s. Quantum decoherence is the Loss of coherence or ordering of the phase angles between the components of a system in quantum computing superposition and the consequence of this is classical or probabilistically additive behavior... (Zurek Today 10 (1991))
Wave function collapse is the reduction of the physical possibilities into a single possibility as seen by observer can appear in quantum decoherence also it justifies the framework and can predict using classical physics as an acceptable approximation... (Namiki and Pascazio 1991). However, decoherence is a mechanism that emerges out quantum stating point also it determines the location of the quantum classical boundary moreover decoherence appear when the quantum system interacts with its environment in a thermodynamically irreversible way and that lead to prevent different factors in the quantum superposition of the system and environments wave function from interfering with each other... (Zurek Today 10 (1991))
Decoherence can be viewed in different ways such as flowing information from the system to the environment lead to lose information this is known as heat bath since each system is losing some of its energetic state because of its surroundings environments... (Kumar, Kiranagi et al. 2012) There is also another view of decoherence that is called isolation; which is the combination of the system and the environment which known as non-unitary therefore the dynamics of