Honesty is essential for most jobs. It is also very important when handling money, however, in some jobs, you might be more successful if you blur the truth sometimes, put a spin on something’s you want people to hear rather than tell them the complete truth, a job with this as an example would be an estate agent.…
The author gives the opinion of several professionals and their views on the issue of lying. This opinion is that lying has serious consequences that are difficult to undo. One such consequence is destroying relationships for personal gain.…
Honestly, is honesty for suckers? Sad to say but for the most part yes. People are just plain greedy; everyone from a single person to a million dollar company everyone wants the most money with the least amount of effort. This has led to a world of dishonest, lazy, cheap individuals, making those who put in effort look dumb for trying much harder for the same or worse results. Kids start off cheating their way through school and end up selling fake copies of the hangout at a car wash. As much as I don’t like this the fact is honesty has become the tool of those who wish to achieve less. People these days’ value low prices and don’t care who they hurt because of it.…
In the article It’s the Truth: Americans Conflicted About Lying written by Life on NBCNEWS.com, it states in the second paragraph; “in a new Associated Press-Ipsos poll, over half of the respondents said lying was never justified. Yet in the same poll, up to two-thirds said it was OK to lie in certain situations, like protecting someone’s feelings.” It also states in paragraph seven, “nearly two-thirds of Americans agree. In the AP-Ipsos poll, 65 percent of those questioned said it was sometimes OK to lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings, even though 52 percent said lying, overall, was never justified.” With this being stated, these quotations not only show that most individuals agree that lying is, overall, justified but that it is acceptable to lie such as when something such as a relationship is at stake. Also, in the article it also states in the tenth paragraph, “not only is lying justified, it is sometimes a moral duty,” says Cohen. An obvious example is when you’re lying to protect someone from serious harm. But much less extreme cases often call for lies, Cohen says.” Through these quotations, it is shown that lying, in extreme cases and less extreme cases alike, can be used to protect another from serious harm or a manner such as emotions as responses…
I cherish honesty because when I was growing up, I was taught to always be honest with myself and others as well. Honesty is really the best policy because when one is being honest with others, they gain their trust and understanding. Honesty can be defined as “the quality of being fair and truthful : the quality of being honest” (Merriam Webster, 2016). I can use honesty in my professional life by gaining trust with my coworkers and building connections with them simply by being honest with them. Honesty does build trust because no one wants someone who is going to lie to them around them all the…
Stephen L. Carter links integrity and honesty. There are three constraints discussed in this essay. First, integrity does require a degree of moral reflectiveness. Second, Integrity may cause conflict that is must be resolved. It does not necessarily produce or protect interpersonal harmony. Third, a person who has integrity can be trusted. It does not avoid the restructuring of social structures and associations, because it leaves the matter to exercise of interpersonal authority.…
Honesty is being able to tell someone what I really think and believe and getting the same thing in return. A person can maintain being honest by not thinking about the consequences of telling the truth. This can be evaluated by making sure the record is set straight when an error is made.…
Have you ever lied to protect someone you were close to? Sometimes lying is okay even though some people think it’s so horrible. Lying is sometimes allowable!…
Secondly, the value of being truthful is one that I learnt to hold from childhood, mum and gran always used to tell me that telling the truth was usually the best option as to lie would make things harder to deal with. If you are not honest with people then you cannot build good relationships with others, these relationships are the things that you need to be happy and are what will help you through the bad times.…
The old adage is that, “honesty is the best policy.” These characteristics clearly mean that one must be of strong morals which in turn will assist in building a stronger values system that will support ones beliefs and do what is ethically right.…
Studies in Deceit (1928) provides important insight into this relationship by documenting the association between honesty…
Honesty is sometimes how the world goes round'. If no one was honest then how would anyone be able to function or trust anyone? The world would be even more of a crueler place than it is now. Every employer is looking for that honest person. Everyone's vote goes…
always be honest and truthful, but others believe it can be okay to not tell the whole…
Lying is justified when it it can be used to protect and care for others. According to the…
Though honesty and selflessness are both important virtues of a good character, they both have limits. Truthfulness can build trust, but improper use can break trust too. Kindness can create impressions of a well-mannered character, but can also create the impression of a easily influenced person. The ability to distinguish when it is appropriate to be truthful and when it is appropriate to lie is important, and the same applies for…