“The Party of the Rich” by Tim Dickinson appeared in Rolling Stone’s November 24, 2011 issue. Dickinson demonstrated that since 1997, the Republican party feverishly cut taxes on the wealthiest portion of the population and abandoned the poor and middle class population. In the article “The Party of the Rich” Dickinson illustrated that the Republican Party has become the party of the rich since Ronald Reagan was president. Dickinson also suggested that Reagan is an appropriate icon for tax-cutting Republicans and a prime example of a tax-cutting, small expenditure president. Dickinson illustrated that Reagan closing tax loopholes allow millionaires to pay less in taxes compared to bus drivers.…
After watching the video, "Wealth Inequality in America", published by Politizane, I was surprised when finding out that only the top one percent of America has 40 percent of all the nation's wealth. It was also surprising to discover that the top one percent owns half the country's stocks, bonds, and mutual bonds, while the bottom 50 percent of Americans own only half a percent of these investments. One of the notions I had that was challenged by the video was the amount of money the wealthy actually have compared to the rest of the classes. I was aware that wealth mostly distributed to the wealthy class, but I never imagined that the division between the wealthy class and the rest of the classes would be so huge. Its incredible that the CEO's…
The tax system in the United States has changed throughout the years, with many attempts to make it "fair" or "equal" while at the same time generating enough income for the United States government to thrive. It is a complex issue, and a controversial one at that. While it may not be possible for our tax system to ever be fair, it is important to make sure it doesn 't put more financial stress and pressure on one group than on another.…
In the article Stop Coddling The Super-Rich Warren Buffett discusses how the rich need to pay more in taxes instead of being let off easy by congress. Buffett is an extremely rich, and very successful investor who is known for donating much of his income to charities. He makes a point that his kids will not be coddled, and argues that the super rich are. Warren Buffett’s credibility, and knowledge make’s his argument strong, and effective.…
“The richest Americans hold nearly 90 percent of the total household wealth in the country” (Mantsios 380). That leaves a mere ten percent to be distributed among the rest of the population, this is a wide margin considering less than half the population holds the nation’s wealth. A wealth more evenly split would see a greater impact on those who would benefit most, those suffering who need more financial security. The middle class, a population keen on imitating the rich, would require the average worker making a salary of “$49,455 (the median income in the United States)” over “2,500 lifetimes to earn $10 billion”, which more than 70 of the 1,000 billionaires living in the United States are worth (Mantsios 380). The wealth of the nation is so unevenly distributed that many Americans are suffering, yet no improvements have been made.…
Money seems to be the root of the problems that surround us in our daily lives. Depending on how much we earn from employment that number is concentrated on our social class in society. However, regardless of our social class we all pay a form of federal tax. Federal tax is a tax levied by the United States Internal Revenue Service on yearly earnings of employees, corporations, trusts, and other legal entities. These taxes that are collected contribute to approximately 47 percent of the federal government’s revenue. This money subsidizes national defense and funds federal programs such as welfare and infrastructure. A percentage of our income is taxed according to the amount we earn; it varies from ten percent when making zero to 20,000 dollars to 30 percent when making 50,000 dollars and above. The controversy of eradicating federal income tax involves all American residents…
He doesn’t want people getting confused over getting taxed 90% because he won’t be taxing 90% of their income, but of their marginal income. Marginal tax rate is a percentage of the next dollar someone has earned. Since people are on different levels of income, people will be taxed differently. There is also one guarantee Bernie is willing to make that will come true. He plans on raising the individual tax rates for the wealthy and big corporations and increasing the payroll tax everyone just a small number so everyone can contribute.…
Wealth inequality is also a major issue between the rich and the poor. Wealth is “the value of assets owned by an individual of family at a point in time. (Gilbert, 277). Even though the rich do pay taxes, it doesn’t affect them as bad as the poor. They are still able to live comfortably because of the property that they owned. These properties are sometimes inherited and passed down to them. Not only that, but it is most likely that they also have some sort of savings or safety net to maintain their lifestyle in case anything should happen. The poor on the other hand, even though they have to pay taxes as well, this can affect them drastically. Simply because majority of the time they do not own much. They do not own any property,…
In the constitution today it delegates the power of purse to the congress. The congress formulates and approves all tax laws. The tax bills emerge from all senate comities. The second largest revenue category social insurance includes the tax collected for social security and Medicare. The provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code regarding income taxes and estate taxes have undergone significant changes under both Republican and Democratic administrations and Congresses since 1964. Since the Johnson Administration, the top marginal income tax rates have been reduced from 91% for the wealthiest Americans in 1963 to 39.6% (or in some cases 43.4%) for the same group by 2013 under the Obama Administration. Capital gains taxes have also decreased over the last several years, and have experienced a more punctuated evolution than income taxes as significant and frequent changes to these rates occurred from 1981 to 2011. Both estate and inheritance taxes have been steadily declining since the 1990s. Economic inequality in the United States has been steadily increasing since the 1980s as well and economists such as Paul Krugman, Joseph Stiglitz, and Peter Orszag, politicians like Barack Obama and Paul Ryan, and media entities have engaged in debates and accusations over the role of tax policy changes in perpetuating economic inequality. A 2011 Congressional Research Service report stated, "Changes in capital gains and dividends were the largest contributor to the increase in the overall income inequality. Much scholarly and popular literature exists on this topic with numerous works on both sides of the debate. The work of Emmanuel Saez, for example, has shed light on the role of American tax policy in aggregating wealth into the richest households in recent years while Thomas Sowell and Gary Becker maintain that education, globalization, and market forces are the root causes of income and overall economic inequality. The Revenue Act of 1964 and the "Bush Tax…
The rich, the middle class and the poor. These so-called "titles" are defining Americans today. What is income inequality and why is it a problem? Income inequality is the extent to which income is distributed in a population. In the United States, that gap between the poor and the rich has expanded immensely over the past ten years. Income inequality is a constantly debated topic today with different opinions and solutions; economists, writers, and politicians all have different views. For example, Paul Krugman and Robert Reich have different opinions than Maura Pennington. As people of different social status, religion, and political preferences view inequality differently, the solution is vastly different amongst these…
Some people feel the rich do not pay their fair share in taxes. “The 95th/50th ratio in 2011 was $186,000 divided by $50,054, which equals 3.72. In other words, the income of houses in the 95th percentile was 3.72 times the income of households in the 50th percentile. Those in the top 25th percentile obtained a vast majority of the income in America (79.5% in 2007 and 75.9% in 2010.” (Evans, “Wealth”). This does prove that wealth is not evenly distributed among all Americans, which is an understandable thing to be upset…
The current tax system that the United States uses contains several flaws. First of all, it is very complex. It is comprised of many various variables that can create loopholes. These loopholes can cause two equal income families to be paying very different tax rates. In fact, there are 480 different types of tax forms (Website). The current tax system is also very unfair for the wealthy. Because it is a progressive tax, it is higher for people who have higher incomes. People should not be punished for being successful. If a flat tax policy were instituted, then it would simplify the complicated tax system, create fairness within the economy, and promote a desire to thrive financially.…
Taxes are a big part of the government and economy. Donald Trump wants Americans to keep more of their money in their pockets and he wants to increase after-tax wages. Trump wants to add more jobs to the country and making America globally competitive again. Obama said "We have to set priorities. If we want a strong middle class, then our tax code must reflect our values." President Obama has passed a wide-ranging tax relief, but it is complicated and has multiple loopholes that mostly benefit the wealthy. A family making $50,000 a year received tax cuts equal $3,600 in President Obama’s first term, more if they were putting a child through college.…
Since the middle class makes a decent amount of money, giving a tax cut on them does not make the middle class spend too much money on their wage (Obama White House). Economically, middle-class families are paying the lowest tax rate historically in the past 60 years. This goes the same with businesses as small ones get tax cuts while big ones don't (OWH). The middle-class would barely pay any taxes while the rich pay the most. Obama charged 5% more money on taxes for richer than the average payment on taxes. Since his term recently finished, there’s not much impact happened…
There are several of the rich who avoid paying taxes. They pay lower tax rates than many Americans who must pay with their salary income. Well according to The Economist Newspaper over 70% of Americans support the estate tax, even though only 1 out of 100 pays it…