the first treatment most people consider for back problems, an increasing number of
patients as well as health professionals are turning to the use of acupuncture as a means
to reduce back pain.
Acupuncture is one of the oldest form of Chinese medicine. It is used to treat a
variety of physical and mental health issues. While most people chose the traditional way
to relief pain, others have turned to acupuncture to improve their symptoms.
The general theory of acupuncture is based on the idea that the body's energy flow
into healthier patterns. When there is a inference with the flow of …show more content…
"Is acupuncture more effective than usual medical care in reducing symptoms associated with chronic back pain?
2. Is real acupuncture more effective than simulated acupuncture in reducing symptoms associated with chronic back pain?
3. Is individualized acupuncture more effective than standardized acupuncture in reducing symptoms associated with chronic back pain" (Atlas,& Deyo, 2001)?
A recent study concludes that both real acupuncture and sham acupuncture are
effective as conventional medical treatment of chronic back pain. A meta-analysis of ten
treatments involving 638 adults states " that both real acupuncture and sham acupuncture
provided similar effects to those of conventional medical treatment. The study notes that
both real acupuncture and sham acupuncture for the treatment of chronic back pain is
"better at pain relieving and improving function" than conventional medical treatment
(Atlas,& Deyo, 2001).
This trails was different than previous studies in which the result found similar
effects for acupuncture with patients having more chronic pain and acupuncture native.
However, the finding in these studies are consistent with those of recent …show more content…
A British study found that acupuncture
care in a primary care setting were modestly superior to usual care after two years. These
studies demonstrated that acupuncture needling is not necessary in order to