Topic: MARKETING DEBATE—Is Service Marketing Different From Product Marketing?
MARKETING DEBATE—Is Service Marketing Different From Product Marketing?
Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers. In addition, marketing might sometimes be interpreted as the ability of selling products and services. As the term "Marketing" may replace "Advertising" it is the overall strategy and function of promoting a product or service to the customer. Many services marketers strongly maintain that service marketing is essentially different from product marketing and that different skills are involved. However, many traditional product marketers disagree, saying, “Good marketing is Good marketing.” This assignment provides a summary of the description of the debate ‘Is Service Marketing Different from Product Marketing?’ indications of possible views, demonstrate the application, and recognize the business implication/significance.
Being part of the sales engineering and business development in the oil and gas industry for eight years, it has always been one that is very service oriented. Even when selling a product it is always accompanied by a service and the quality of the service is what really makes the difference of the repeat purchase. During my career, mentors in my field have always had the opinion that services are marketed different from products. Their general consensus was marketing of products and services are two dissimilar situations which require two very diverse strategies. However, since I started the course the literature shows the clear difference how products and services are viewed, but the marketing principles by scholars are viewed somewhat consistently for both products and services. Hence, my interest is peeked by whether or not what I have been thought and held true for many years is or isn’t valid. The first view by many marketers who believe there is no disparity in
References: * Breaking Free from Product Marketing – G. Lynn Shostack (Journal of Marketing, April 1977) * Problems and Strategies in Services Marketing - Valerie A. Zeithaml, A. Parasuraman, & Leonard L. Berry (Journal of Marketing Vol.49 Spring 19850 33-46) * Exploring the Phenomenon of Customers’ Desired Value Change in Business-to-Business Context – Daniel J. Flint, Robert B. Woodruff & Sarah F. Gardial (Journal of Marketing, October 2002)