Chapter 1: introduction 3
Introduction 3
Background of the study 3
Problem statement 4
Objectives of the study 5
Research question 5
Significant of the study 6
Scope of study 6
Limitation 6
Feasibility 6
Chapter 2: literature reviews 7
Introduction 7
Service quality effect 7
Price fairness 8
Environment effect 9
Conclusion 9
Chapter 3: Research methodology 10
Introduction 10
Theoretical framework 10
Research design 11
Sampling methodology 11
Instrument used 12
Data collection 12
Conclusion 12
References 13
Website 13
Books and articles 13
Course name: Business Research Methodology
Topic: Factors affecting customer’s satisfaction in Malaysian local restaurants
Chapter 1: introduction
In this chapter of the research we will be talking about the background of the study, identify the problem statement, enumerate the research objectives, he research questions, the significant of study and finally the scope of study.
Background of the study
The increase of market service among the restaurants industry is getting more challenging and competitive nowadays. The reasons why is the increase of good quality demand from customers, and industries to overcome that have to be competitive in others to increase profitability, by ensuring customers satisfaction. The business dictionary defines customer satisfaction as the level of satisfaction that a company provides in goods or services which are measured by how many time the customer comeback. (, 2014).
Satisfaction from a customer comes from a past experience, it is the judgment that the customers see from what is provided and what is the pleasure after consumption. Many research has found that the verification or non-validation of consumer before consumption,
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