Apart from the most important individual values, optimal orgasms and a gentle death, the most important social values are freedom and safety. In many instances, safety is a prerequisite to freedom, which is why a strong government is usually needed. A government can come into existence via different routes. One of the possible routes is to be elected, more or less directly, by the people. This is what we call a democracy. Whether this government later interferes with the personal freedom of the people or not has very little to do with the fact that it was established in a democratic way. As a matter of fact, a democratic route of establishing a government often has lead, and leads, to governments …show more content…
that interfere to a high degree with the personal freedom of the people. Hitler was democratically elected. Saddam Hussein came to power in a democratic succession. The Iranian government is democratically elected. All of these governments have not been, and are not, dedicated to preserve or grant personal freedom. The US is a democracy, but it also is the world’s most advanced police state.
Whether a country is a police state or not has nothing to do with the question of how a government came into power, whether democratically or by any other way. To characterize a country as a police state just means that the police have wide-ranging power over the lives of the country’s citizens. And this is certainly the case in the US. It doesn’t really matter where the power of the police originates from. Whether it stems from power vested into the police by summary decree, or from a huge body of written legislation and regulations, as in the case of the …show more content…
US. It’s a very common misconception anywhere in the world to equate “democracy” with “freedom”. Democracy just means that a large number of largely incompetent voters are allowed to decide who should lead a government. In the Philippines, largely incompetent voters often elect movie stars as president, senators, mayors, and even city councilors. Stupid Filipinos just vote for their favorite actors, and want to know nothing about the potential leader’s political ideas. In Indonesia, former dictator Suharto always enjoyed much backing from the female part of the population. Why? Because he was perceived as being good-looking. In Islamic countries, when the people are called for to elect leaders in a democratic process, they vote for those candidates recommended by the prayer leaders in the mosques, because people are misguided into believing that it will give them credit with god. The best constitution is only as good as a Supreme Court can guard it and a government wants it guarded.
At the end of the day, the freedom of the people does depend on those in power. If they are strong, the government itself may infringe liberties, and if they are weak, they can’t provide the safety to stop neighborhood rule by mafia types, talibans, feudal landlords or other repressive micro-organizations. Plato, who felt contempt for governments established by a vote of unqualified people, recommended that benevolent philosopher kings hold power. The constitution started with the people in mind. Over the last 200 years it has been modified ten times over, and isn't becoming any more people friendly. With all the amendments implemented into the constitution, it is becoming more vague as to who the constitution backs up. What areas of the constitution could be considered elitist? How about the 7th amendment? Do you think the right to a fair trial is to protect the average citizen? I think not. I believe a right to a trial is so the elites who commit crimes could have a chance to get off scott free. The 15th amendment gives people the right to vote? But who? Elite WHITE MALES! Even though the 15th amendment states “should not be denied of any state by race, color or previous condition of servitude. So how long did it take to finally incorporate women into the voting game? Women weren't able to vote, but colored people were allowed to? So were women the real
bottom section of the totem pole? It looks like it to me. They allowed women to vote with the creation of the 19th amendment “Women's Suffrage” 16th amendment... The incorporation of income taxes from “any” source of income... Wow the elites get more greedy everyday... What about our personal freedoms? Looks like the government got involved with that too, when they banned our rights to drink liquor, or even import the stuff. The 21st amendment “Repeal of Prohibition” took a personal freedom from us. But I bet the Elites were still getting drunk, and having a good old time... President Roosevelt “Gold confiscation” of April 5, 1933 made it illegal to hoard gold coins, certificates, and bullion because of the federal banks misfortunes. Doesn't that violate our rights? Those who were forced to hand over their belongings had earned their keep. Were elitist effected? Not that I have seen, in any text.. There have been countless times where the average citizen breaks a law, and goes to jail for it. On the same note, it's a government official. The government official may get his hand slapped and may get fined, but I can't ever remember seeing one get jail time...