
Is This You? By Kristen Lewis And Carolyn Gregoire

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Is This You? By Kristen Lewis And Carolyn Gregoire
In the article “Is This You?” by Kristen Lewis and Carolyn Gregoire, it proves to us many different relationships that technology and stress have. Towards the end where it was saying meditation is a good way to get rid of some stress. It had also snuck in how it is good to have face to face contact with family and friends instead of through a screen. “It’s also important to get some face-to-face time with friends and family. Humans are social beings. We need each other to put things into perspective” (Lewis/Gregoire 13). The authors aren't exactly saying to get off your phones, they are implying that when they say face to face time. Also, they had stated that video game can cause even more stress. “What doesn’t work? Procrastination. Binge-watching

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