The reason for getting a college degree is worth incurring significant debt because it gives you a better opportunity in life. For example Say you go to college and you completed college after 4 years. Say you applied working for best buy as a manager and another person applied working for best buy as a manager but they have a high school degree. At the end you got hired but not the other person. The reason for is you have a college degree so it shows you have more knowledge and information than the person who has a high school degree. That’s the first reason why it’s worth incurring significant debt to go to college.
The second reason for getting a college degree worth incurring significant debt because it gets you a higher pay in a job than having a high school degree. In fact it shows that people in the year of 2008 people with a high school degree working full time gets an average of $32,000 a year. But a person who went to college for 4 years gets an average pay of $60,000 a year. That’s almost double of what you get with a high school degree. That’s why going to college is worth incurring significant amount of debt.