Some may argue that in today’s world, a sound knowledge is required for a better career. While I do concede that we are living in a highly advanced world, I do not agree that having a sound knowledge of science and technology is essential for the well-educated. If one’s education and career is of the humanities, one can excel in it even without a sound knowledge of science and technology. Some knowledge of science and technology is required, such as the basic knowledge of surfing the internet and using the PowerPoint software for a presentation. However, a basic knowledge is not the same as a sound knowledge of science and technology. A research from a Stanford student has shown that there are humanities professors who only have a basic knowledge of science and technology. Does that mean that they are not well-educated in today’s world? The research has also shown that for people in different fields, their focus is on different areas. For the people more inclined to humanities, peer reviews are more important than the use of empirical evidence. These people are still able to excel in their career since a basic knowledge of science and technology would suffice for them.
Some may also argue that a sound knowledge of science and technology in today’s world is what makes people well-educated. Without it, one would be what the society considers as “less-educated”.