Faculty of Science, Technology, and Environment
School of Computing, Information and Mathematical Sciences
IS333 Project Management
Assignment 1
Semester 1, 2015
Weight: 15%
Due Date: Friday, 3rd April, 2015; 5 PM (Fiji Time)
There are two questions for this assignment. All teams must do question 1. Teams consisting of engineering students can opt to do question 2b). All other teams must do question 2a).
Team formation
This is a team based assignment. Hence for this assignment you would need to work in your allocated team. All documents submitted must have your team information in it. Also submit the mark allocation agreement with your assignment.
Submit softcopy in Moodle (the team leader must submit in his account his team’s assignment by the deadline),
Submit a hard copy using the designated assignment box labeled ‘IS333 Assignment 1’ located at the end of Level 3, Building B, ICT Center.
Plagiarism: For this and other work in IS333, it’s essential that you avoid plagiarism. Not only do you expose yourself to possibly serious disciplinary consequences, but you’ll also cheat yourself of a proper understanding of the concepts emphasized in the assignment. You’ll almost certainly fail the midterm and/or the final, which will test your understanding of the assignment.
It’s not plagiarism to discuss the assignment with your friends and consider solutions to the problems together. However, it is plagiarism for you to copy all or part of each others’ solutions.
Any student posting solutions for this assignment in Moodle will be considered to be committing plagiarism. Don’t submit your solution to any discussion forum or mail it to anyone except the lecturer or tutors.
If you find somebody has stolen you assignment and produced it as their work, it will be considered plagiarism. So DON’T leave your flash drives around. Be careful with them. And make sure you log out of the lab machines