1. Discuss the significance of all of the five operations performance objectives (quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost) to VBA’s activities and explain which of these you consider to be the most important to build into the design of VBA’s processes
2. Explain how process technology helps this operation to achieve its objectives?
3. Sketch the flow of flowers in the VBA operation. Describe and explain what you think are the critical points in this flow?
Definition (Slack)
Significance to VBA’ activities
VBA’s service is based on the trust which it has established both with growers and buyers. This involves an implicit guarantee of the quality and freshness of the flowers. For example, VBA invest time and money into the laboratory services which give them the ability to assess flower quality levels. Without this quality guarantee buyers would not be willing to use the service.
Obviously the flowers cannot be kept within the total supply chain for too long, otherwise it would reduce their ‘shelf life’ when they…
In this case dependability means that a range and quantity of flowers are available for buyers to purchase if they wish and also that the company are able to guarantee to the growers that flowers will be available for sale at the time promised. Lack of dependability in terms of interruption to the supply of flowers would destroy the trust of both buyers and growers.
Cost is an important objective primarily to the company itself. The whole company’s operations are based on high volume. It is, after all, the largest operation of its type in the world. Also, the company have invested in the information technology and materials handling technology which standardizes the service, thus reducing costs further. However, cost is also important to the buyers. If the operation were not efficient, then the buyers may find it cheaper to buy directly from the