There are some popular sports played in my country. One popular sport is Soccer; many people enjoy playing soccer because it has a lot of running. Also, Cricket is another sport played in my country, Cricket is the most famous sport played in my country. Cricket is similar to Baseball because you use a bat and a ball. Lastly, the national game in my country is Field Hockey. Field Hockey is just like ice hockey but instead of playing in an ice rink, you play in a field. These are the main 3 sports played in my country.
There are a few religions in my country. Some people in my country are Hindu, which is Hinduism. The most famous and important religion in my country is Islam. In Islam, we have to worship Allah (god) 5 times a day. Also there is a month called Ramadan where we have to fast for 30 days. Fasting is when we eat before sunrise and then we eat when the sun goes down. This month is basically for us to feel how other people in the world are starving. These are 2 main religions in my country.
There are many holidays in my country. One holiday is called Eid-ul-Fitr; in that holiday it is all about friendship, love, brotherhood. It is celebrated right after the month of Ramadan. Another holiday is Eid-ul-Adha, in this holiday we have to sacrifice an animal and give the meat to poor people. Lastly, the holiday many people love is Independence Day. It is celebrated on August 14th. These are some famous holidays in my country.
There are many unique characteristics of my culture. I love my culture because it also teaches me respect. There are so many cultures in the world and they all have different things about them. These are some facts about my culture that I love.