Islam in Baltistan
Shah-e-Hamdan whom we hold in great esteem as a great mystic of the Muslim world and messenger of peace, played a pivotal role in bringing a revolutionary change and transformation in Baltistan. The mystic came to Baltistan at a time when there was not a single Muslim in Baltistan. All the people of this region were the followers of buddisum. Shah-e-Hamdan is the first Islamic preacher who for the first time came to Baltistan and brought out a gigantic civilizational transformation in this unexplored and inaccessible part of the world by that time. There was no mean of conveyance available to travel to the sky raising mountains and difficult terrains when Shah-e-Hamdan appeared to Baltistan to propagate the light of Islam. Details of the missionary activities of Mir Syed Ali Hamdani in Baltistan can be traced in "Zad ul Jinnan" the oldest history book on Baltistan written by Akhon Sultan Ali, a local poet historian of 12th century A.H. narrating the arrival of Shah-e- Hamdan, he writes in the book ( of Mir Najum Saqib) the details of shah ( Hamdan) and king of Tibet are given, according to which Shah-e- Hamdan came to Baltistan in the reign of Mooqeem Khan, the local ruler, in the year of Nihang ( the year of snake) in the seven century AH the great saint appeared in Khasmir and Tibet (Now Baltistan).
Akhon Sultan Ali attributes the visit of Shah-e- Hamdan as a miracle. Ali the second (Shah-e- Hamdan) had no means of convenience to travel through the difficult terrains and sky raising mountainous area. As Hazart Ali ( AS) used to ride on Duldul ( Ali's Horse) and could perform miracles in battles just like that Ali the second (Shah-e- Hamdan) came hear easily and gracefully which is a vivid miracle. He came with all the miracles in the land of Tibet. The fame of his miracles in Tibet as bright as sun light.
Due to his benevolent self, untiring efforts, unshakeable