Production Planning and Control
Winter 2013
INSTRUCTOR: Mellie Pullman, Ph.D.
OFFICE HOURS: TU & Wed 4-5 PM or by appointment
TELEPHONE: 503-725-4768
1. The Fundamentals of Production Planning and Control, by Stephen N. Chapman, published by Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN-0-13-017615-X. (Henceforth referred to as “Text”) Price ranges from $20 (used) to $71 (new) on or bookstore.
2. Cases Packet (Required) available at Clean Copy Center
Course Description
The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the major tools used for manufacturing planning and control. To this end, we will perform an in-depth analysis of integrated operations management systems with emphasis on operations planning and control, material requirements planning, master scheduling, forecasting, capacity planning, just-in-time and related topics. These tools will be covered with more detail than previous SCM courses and we will examine how the various components fit together to form a complete system.
1. Understanding the role of production planning in the operations strategy of the firm,
2. Understanding the mechanics of developing production plans,
3. Developing advanced computer skills (spreadsheets) for production planning,
4. Learning how to communicate goals and schedules across an organization.
1. Classes are not professor versus student. They are professor and student trying to achieve the same goal – preparing the student for the working world.
2. I will expect that you are putting time into this class outside of our meeting times. For instance, I will expect that you have read the assigned readings and done the homework before class.
3. If you ever are wondering why I have structured the class a particular way or given a particular assignment, ask me. Often, the answer may help you better understand the material and the goals of this class.