ISS week 10 assignment
FISMA 6, 8, 4
GLBA 9, 7
SOX 1, 7
NIST (national institute of standards and technology) – a federal agency within the US department of commerce, America’s first federal physical science research laboratory. NIST’s mission is to “promote US innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.” NIST provides standards for measurement and technology on which nearly all computing devices rely. NIST maintains a list of standards and publications of general interest to the computer-security community. NIST executes its primary mission through four cooperative programs:
• NIST laboratories
• Baldrige national quality program
• Hollings manufacturing extension partnership
• Technology innovation program
ISO (international organization for standardization)– the goal of the ISO is to develop and publish international standards. It is a network of 163 national standards institutes. ISO serves as a bridge between the public and private sectors. Some members are governmental entities, while others are in the private sector. ISO’s goals are to develop standards that do not cater to either group exclusively, but reach consensus. A good example is the ISO network reference model.
IEC (International electrotechnical commission)– the IEC is a standards organization that often works with ISO. THE IEC is the preeminent organization for developing and publishing international standards for technologies related to electrical and electronic devices and processes. People refer to the collective body of knowledge addressed by the IEC as electrotechnology. Today, IEC’s standards address a wide variety of areas, including the following:
• Power generation
• Power transmission and distribution
• Commercial consumber electrical appliances
• Semiconductors
• Electromagnetcs
• Batteries
• Solar