Appreciation can only follow awareness. To develop awareness we need to contemplate. Where to begin?
The most oft-repeated teaching of the Alter Rebbe, which we have all heard from the Rebbe, was .אז מען דארף לעבן מיט דער צייט One must live with the times, meaning the Parsha of the week. (See היום יום ב' חשון.) Being disciples of the Alter Rebbe, naturally, this is where we will begin.
The Parsha, שמות, contains a narrative which played an integral part in a historical event of the Alter Rebbe's life. In this story of the Alter Rebbe, which is one of my personal all-time favourites, he repeats a marvellous cardinal teaching of the Baal Shem Tov, which the Alter Rebbe heard from the Mezritcher Maggid, his teacher.[The Friediker Rebbe related the story in Chicago, seventy one years ago, פרשת שמות תש''ב. (Printed in ספר השיחות תש''ב, pg.45-50.)]
This is the well-known story about The Debate of Minsk,ויכוח מינסק . In 1783, in one of the famous public debates where the Alter Rebbe faced the opponents of Chassidus - the "גאוני עולם" (super genius scholars) from the surrounding cities, and addressed their issues and arguments against the school of thought of the Baal Shem Tov and Chassidism.
Briefly, amongst the fundamental objections were two, which, primarily contended that Chassidus seemingly undermines תלמידי חכמים and Torah scholarship. 1. According to Chassidus even the עמי הארץ/אנשים פשוטים, the masses and simpletons should put great emphasis on their Davening, because of its supreme importance.