Section 2.1 Review Questions
1. What is the difference between a physical marketplace and an e-marketplace (marketspace)?
A marketspace is an electronic marketplace. While traditional marketplaces are constrained by their physical locations, marketspaces use technology to eliminate this constraint (by being online).
2. List the components of a marketspace.
A marketspace consists of the following components: customers, sellers, goods, infrastructure, a front end, a back end, intermediaries/business partners and support services.
3. Define a digital product and provide five examples.
Digital products are goods that can be transformed to digital formats and delivered over the Internet. Examples of digital products would include e-books, software, graphics, video clips and electronic documentation.
Section 2.2 Review Questions
1. Describe electronic storefronts and e-malls.
An electronic storefront is a single company's Web site where products and services are sold. An electronic mall is an online shopping center where many stores are located.
2. List the various types of stores and e-malls.
There are several different types of stores and malls including: general stores/malls, specialized stores/malls, regional or global stores and pure online stores or click-and-mortar stores.
3. Differentiate between private and public e-marketplaces.
Private marketspaces are generally owned by a single firm, whereas public marketspaces are generally owned and managed by independent third parties. Public marketspaces are also known as exchanges.
4. What are information portals? List the major types.
Information portals are single, personalized online points of access to business information inside an organization. They include: commercial, corporate, publishing, personal, mobile, and voice portals.
5. Describe agent-based e-marketplaces.
Agents are software applications that can