The User Domain is comprised of individuals that are often not aware of the tricks of attackers. For example, networks usually have strong passwords that one must know in order to gain access to the Internet. Nevertheless, social engineers can persuade individuals to give out personal information such as passwords and other types of private information. By giving out such information can cause computer viruses and infections executed by social engineers. Another way in which the User Domain can fall susceptible to attackers is the activities carried out by individuals on the computer. Visiting dangerous websites, downloading malicious files, and installing infected programs all give invitations to attackers to hack computer systems. In addition, inserting infected jump drives into computers can cause an entire computer network to become infected.
The Workstation Domain is where must users are approved on the company network. On the workstation domain, the staff should have the necessary access to be productive. To access any workstation, a user will need to be first verified, then setup with an account to be logged in with a username and password assigned by the IT departments set by Richman Investments. All computers have maintained regular updates and continuous antivirus protection for monitoring. Also, no personal devices will be allowed on the network.
The local area network (LAN) Domain is a collection of computers connected to one another, or to a common medium. All LAN domains include data closets, physical elements of the LAN, as well as logical elements to be designated by authorized personnel. It needs strong security and access controls. Its can access company-wide systems, applications, and data from the LAN