Dual Storylines: - Two different point of view of whether or not to go to the boarding school - Ben was very uncertain and Tilly was very excited and seemed too like it. - Uncertainty - Emily's and tilly's story
- Ben - if I put tape around my underpants everyday - Puppet - Undies? - Ben - and then I'm going to drink my own wee - Ben - I'm a man! [wearing tutu] - Maybe he's looking for something , yeah marbles - Stereotypical siren voice
- Not belonging - Scared
- Relatable to the audience - High school - Grade eight
- Emily's story - music/pace of speaking Dangerous, lightning , crying, injured, storm, wind
Liz Sketch: - Lost facial expressions - Gestures to show what is happening - waves - Different tones, voice pitch, pace, paus - Show other perspectives/people/object/event - Moved around to show what is happening - Moved a lot - High voice - Exaggerated facial expression - Move around to intimidate ben - Used voice to show who character she's portraying - Moved around to catch people's attention - Faster pace - excited - Slower - unsure, sad, emphasis, reassuring - Softer voices - unsure/less anger - Thumbs through straps on bags to show nervousness - Louder voice to let the audience hear over the music - Swaying on spot to show embarrassment and nervousness - Different places different