Network topology refers to the physical layout of a network. The chosen layout directly impacts how each node on a given network communicates with another. There are multiple types of topologies that can be used based on the need of the project. The ultimate goal is to provide multiple lines of data communication which will increase fault tolerance on the network and reduce or eliminate a complete disruption of service.…
Five doctor offices have decided to join each of their buildings to a network. With this, each office will have access to each of the other four offices’ information. This would greatly benefit them and their patients, allowing them to pull up a patient’s medical and billing information from a central server for easy access. However the central, east and west offices are each on their own LAN. The three LANs are similar in design for connecting each workstation and for hardware and software. The eastern and western offices have already been in a partnership with their own peer-to-peer with remote access network along with shared billing and insurance management software. The north and south locations are running standalone workstations that are various ages. Each office has no kind of network compatible hardware and runs the billing and insurance software on one dedicated computer, each with its own attached printer. Patient information is stored on several computers throughout the offices and patient records are filed manually on paper.…
Working in a technical support role requires someone who is both adept with technology and who also has the necessary customer service skills that are required to work with people. Anytime a technical support person is presented with a problem they must know based on the description of the problem how to diagnose the issue. Without a wide understanding of PCs and the operating system being used that a technical support person would spend lots of wasted time trying to figure out the issue. A technician should know based on their computer knowledge certain types of problems are typically caused by certain components or software in the system. This knowledge will allow the technician to identify the issues the customer is having.…
During my coursework I will be inventing an Ict system for Mr Robert black as he has approached me to help his new catering company ‘mobile lunches 4u’. There are a few business parks around the local area where Mr Black has decided that there are opportunities for a mobile catering business, selling snacks and drinks at lunchtimes to people who work at offices in the business parks. Mr Black has been running this business for about 6 months but has had trouble keeping records of his income and expenditure. This problem has occurred because since Mr Black has started is business he wrote everything by hand, he has faced problems like he was unable to read his writing due to messy writing and this caused most data to be read wrong which meant that all the calculation were wrong. This problem is a most common problem faced by company that do everything by hand and do not use an Ict system. For this reason I decided to help Mr Black by creating an Ict system for his company mobile lunches 4u. Moreover, this Ict system will be beneficial for Mr Black because he won’t have to worry about anything being misread or any wrong calculation, this mean he will be more organised and accurate. However, this is also constructive for his company because this will allow his company to become more professional and modern. This can be an advantage because most people like to eat and go to professional places which mean more costumers that can lead to more profit.…
Assumption and Context: You have been the manager of a Dunkin Donuts store in the Midwest for the past two years. The store is owned by a Dunkin Donuts franchisee that owns 20 other Dunkin Donuts locations. Your employer took an employee inventory and examined all current employees. It has been noted by the owner that you have a highly successful track record. You have been recognized for doing an exceptional job staffing, leading, training, coaching, and managing people. You have been recognized for successfully managing all key components of your store and have successfully managed key business drivers such as cash, profits, growth, asset utilization and people. In regards to the metrics that are used to measure their stores for sales, quality, and customer service, your store is the top performing store in their system. Congratulations! You have just been promoted to District Manager! The Dunkin Donuts franchisee sees your growth potential and the growth potential in your geographic area. The owner now has committed significant capital and plans to open five new locations over the next two years. You will be given complete autonomy, authority, and responsibility to structure, staff, and operate these five new locations. You will be playing a key role in this expansion for growth. Assignment: Prepare a five-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), including at least three scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook, formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. In your paper, explain your chosen job design, organizational design, your recruiting strategy and methods, and your training and performance appraisal process as the new District Manager for Dunkin Donuts. You must organize your paper using the following section headings and include additional section headings as needed:…
Mrs. Fields Cookies is a small company selling freshly baked goods through privately owned specialty stores (each store sells only Mrs. Fields products). The company has about 8,000 employees worldwide and less than 150 information systems people for a unique leverage of MIS resources. The company uses information systems extensively in its processing, communications, and other management functions, including operations of the stores and hiring sales employees. 1. Would you describe Mrs. Fields’ Cookies as more of a functional hierarchy structured along traditional functional lines or more of an IT-enabled network consisting of tailored business processes? I would describe Mrs. Field's Cookies as more of an IT-enabled network consisting of tailored business processes because they have structured all their operations based on IT, that not only automated the routine elements of the activity, but also learned how to respond to exceptions. 2. What role does IT play in the Mrs. Fields’ organizational structure? The information collected is based on two roles: Control and Decision Making. With control the lots of data generated every moment are not lost, which leads to a better, fast and easily decision making process. 3. What challenges does Mrs. Fields Cookies face in the next five years? How well positioned is the company to meet these challenges? Applying the IT in the new bakery segment and find a way to use all the information they have available. They are good positioned considering that they already have a well-designed system, but they still have to collect more data about the new segment before working with it. 4. What advice would you have given Debbi and Randy Fields in 1988? First, they should collected data of the new bakery segment and then develop the company's system to work with the new segment. Then, the company should have improved their system to process all the information they have available and use that to enhance the control and the decision…
Due: Submit a copy of your essay via “Assignment Manager” by Thursday, November 13th, before your recitation begins. Then, as before, bring a printed copy of your paper to your recitation and be prepared to discuss this case.…
16. The owner of two pizza parlors located in adjacent towns wants to computerize and integrate sales transactions and inventory management within and between both stores. The point-of-sale component must be easy to use and flexible enough to accommodate a variety of pricing strategies and coupons. The inventory management, which will be linked to the point-of-sale component, must also be easy to use and fast. The systems at each store need to be linked so that sales and inventory levels can be determined instantly for each store and for both stores combined. The owner can allocate $40,000 for hardware and $20,000 for software and must have the new system operational in three months. Training must be short and easy. Briefly describe three alternative systems for this situation and explain how each would meet the requirements and…
Sources: 3 sources through ASU Libraries minimum…Other reliable (i.e. no Wikipedia, sources or sources of that nature) sources are also allowed.…
The ability to write and speak effectively is a definite necessity in Composition 2. I am referring back to the first vocabulary word of the semester, rhetoric. Mrs. Larson explained that the knowledge gained from writing wouldn’t necessarily be advantageous in a numerical world, but in the world we live in where documents must be made, essays written, and reports put together rhetoric is a must. I am certain I’ve taken full advantage of the opportunity provided me by Iowa Central Community College and Mrs. Larson. I know that I comprehend MLA formatting, evaluation writing, and opinion writing.…
1.Based on information available on the hospital’s website, create a hard-copy ad for the hospital to place in the Sunday edition of the New York Times. Which (geographic) editions of the Times would you use and why?…
Companies have many different ways to enter the international market. The new trade theory indicates that early into new market than theirs competitors will get more market share that establishes the entry barriers (Krugman, 1985). This is the advantage about economies of scale. In addition, economies of scale could reduce the marginal cost of produce unit goods as output expands. The lower cost will support the price advantages than competitors. Cooperation with foreign companies has many uncertainty factors, and the transaction cost will increase when the frequency of transaction increased. (coase, 1937) Consequently, internationalization will reduce the uncertainty, complexity, information asymmetric, and opportunism (Williamson, 1981). Because business internationalise transform the multinational business act from external to internal behaviours, it reduce bargaining and contractual cost through reduce the unexpected factors in…
Read “The Iks” and do the accompanying Vocabulary and Questions to Guide your Reading. (Find posted under Course Materials on ilearn.)…
• I have read and understood the University’s definitions of COLLUSION and PLAGIARISM (available on p. 31 of the current Academic Student Handbook of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and in the 2011 ELC Student Handbook Appendix 2, 4, and 5).…
downtown Orlando, Florida, and named after its famed golf benefactor, the hospital, with more than…