Topic: It’s time to legalise gay marriage in Australia
Purpose: To persuade audience that it is time to legalise gay marriage in Australia
Audience: mature, older audience
A battle has been in progress for years over whether equal rights and equal protection against discrimination should be extended to homosexual unions. Recently this has expanded into the area of marriage. The topic of homosexual marriage is a topical issue. There is absolutely no legal logical or governing reason that same- sex couples cannot be wed. It’s extremely unconstitutional to refuse them the right to marry. In 2012, we still have not legalised gay marriage in Australia when countries such as Spain and South Africa have. We live in a democratic country that is about rights and freedom of choice. Besides constitutional rights there are a number of economic issues which suggests equal rights for gay people could positively affect our economy. Exclusion of same sex marriage attracted people from marriage sends out the message that discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is acceptable. To not legalise same sex marriage is to further perpetuate the problem of minority discrimination that has stained human history. Once this feeling of inferiority enters the psychology of minorities, a lack of self worth leads to less economic and social prosperity as well as a denial of one’s own identity as they are pummelled with the message they are not equal. There is a substantial body of Australian social research which shows the vulnerability of same sex attracted people to prejudice, discrimination and unequal treatment. These surveys have consistently found that same sex attracted people experience unacceptably high levels discrimination in the workplace, discrimination in other aspects of their lives including at school and in their families and hate motivated assaults. How can a country stop inequality and discrimination when it clearly