Our parents’ divorce came at a surprise. We thought maybe we were too loud, but we could quiet down. Why did he have to leave? Did one of us do something wrong? Why now? I thought and prayed that maybe he would change his mind and come back and live with us. He shouldn’t go, not now. Days passed. We saw him twice a week for dinner. He had rented someone’s basement, and that was where he would live for a while. Within the next year or two, I ended up moving to a different state a thousand miles away. I now live with my mom and my brother, and I see my Dad every other weekend and sometimes during the week for dinner. I needed courage to get through that …show more content…
You can bet Jackie Robinson has thought that before, too. I can’t imagine not being able to do half the things I want to do, or being separated from another “race” of people. Jackie Robinson’s character traits helped him break his barriers. He had citizenship, commitment, courage, determination, excellence, and integrity. Jackie also had persistence, teamwork, and justice. To break through this barrier that popped into my life, I needed courage. Courage can get someone through a situation with strength and bravery they never realized they had. Jackie Robinson may not have been able to reach some of his goals for a while after beginning his career. People judged him for what he looked like instead of his character and ability. He must have had a lot of courage, taking the chance to play in the major league and having to push away the judgemental people. Jackie Robinson was a very courageous