Melba Pattillo Beals one of the Little Rock nine to integrate an all white high school.The life chaning experinces and decisions Melba Pattillo Beals faced was integratinga all whit high school in the United states.In paragraph 7 it states,” I wondered why they were crying and just …show more content…
There were threats against me and my family and even out-and-out attempts at physical harm to me.”This quote explains how it was hard for him to be the first Afican American to play in the MLB.these events challenged Robinson by forcing him to face racial slurs, snubs, and physical threats from fans, teammates, and opponents who did not want a black man to play in the major leagues.This quote explans that he had to go through a lot beacause he was the firstto play in the MLB.these events caused him to grow and develop by making hime proud of his accoplishments and helping him to appreciate the courage and love that the team owner and his wife showed him.In paragraph 13,sentence 4 and 5,”Rachel shared those diffcult years that led to this moment and helped all the days there after.She has been strong, loving, gentle, and brave, never afraid to either criticize or comfort meThsi quote explains how he grew during all of his accoplishments.Robinson responded to these life-changing event by continuing to play baseball because he felt he owed it to the fans, both black and white, who supported and encouraged him.In paragraph 12 it states,¨But also there were people—neither black nor young—people of all races and faiths and in all parts of the country, people who couldn’t care less about my race.This quote explains no matter what he was still going to paly baseall because he felt that he owed it to his fans.Robinson’s reactions to the events impacted his society and country by paving the way for more black athletes to play professional sports. In paragraph 10,it states,¨Suppressed and repressed for so many years, they needed a victorious black man as a symbol. It would help