Jackson DBQ
How Democratic Was
Andrew Jackson?
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A Document Based Question (DBQ)
© 2002 The DBQ Project
Jackson DBQ
How Democratic Was Andrew Jackson?
Directions: Many great names in American history are closely connected with an idea or an event - George Washington and the Revolution, Abraham Lincoln and the Civil
War, Martin Luther King and Civil Rights. Andrew Jackson's name is tied very closely to democracy, but is it historically fair and accurate to do so?
Follow these steps as you grapple with this historical question:
1. Read the Background Essay. It provides an overview of Jackson's life and the political climate of the day.
2. Quickly skim the 11 documents to get a sense of what they are about.
3. Make sure you have a clear definition of democracy written down before you analyze the documents.
4. Read the documents slowly. For each document use the margins or a
Document Analysis Sheet to record:
a. What or who is the source?
b. What is the issue being discussed? (The Bank, Indian Removal, etc.)
c. Summarize in your own words the main argument or idea being presented in each document.
5. Clarify for yourself the different issues addressed by the 11 documents. Make a judgment as to how democratic Jackson was on each issue. Make sure to compare his actions to your original definition of democracy.
6. Make a final summary judgment of Jackson. Overall, did he move the country towards democracy? Is it reasonable to argue that in some areas he did and in others he did not? Is it even possible that some of his actions may have been both democratic and undemocratic at the same time?
The Documents:
Document 1: Voting for Presidential Electors - A State-by-State View
Document 2: The Election of 1828: One Historian's View
Document 3: "King Andrew the First" (a cartoon)
Document 4: Jackson's Veto of the National Bank
Document 5: Daniel Webster's Reply to Jackson's Bank Veto