As Hamilton’s industrialized economy of the 1790’s started to prove itself and more citizens involved themselves with their local politics, the 1820’s and 1830’s shortly became a time for a push in political democracy. In the early years of America, it was difficult to get more men involved in politics since only white men who owned property could vote. But by the 1840’s, most white men could vote. With a large new number of voters, the participation in politics greatly increased. In Jackson’s 1828 election, political parties became the main focus of politics. While some may argue this tore America apart, it gave each American voter a place in politics and urged men to fight for their views. Harriet Martineau, a British author, reported her fascination with the dynamics of this democratic political system witnessing candidates for political positions campaigning and “the people were to be the judges,” (Document 3). As the voices of workers grew louder in politics and the Jacksonian Democrats pushed and shoved to help the common man, equality of economic opportunity grew. When Jackson vetoed bill for the Bank of the United States, many argued it was unconstitutional and increased the wealth gap, but Jackson and his supporters feared a monopoly in the wealthy. The Jacksonian Democrats made many other efforts, like the veto of the bank, to support the working class. George Henry Evans echoed this in “The Working Men’s Declaration of Independence” which focused on the basic right and responsibilities of the working class (Document 1). Jacksonian Democrats fought hard for political democracy and equality of economic opportunity, but the guarding of the common man left women and the minorities behind to
As Hamilton’s industrialized economy of the 1790’s started to prove itself and more citizens involved themselves with their local politics, the 1820’s and 1830’s shortly became a time for a push in political democracy. In the early years of America, it was difficult to get more men involved in politics since only white men who owned property could vote. But by the 1840’s, most white men could vote. With a large new number of voters, the participation in politics greatly increased. In Jackson’s 1828 election, political parties became the main focus of politics. While some may argue this tore America apart, it gave each American voter a place in politics and urged men to fight for their views. Harriet Martineau, a British author, reported her fascination with the dynamics of this democratic political system witnessing candidates for political positions campaigning and “the people were to be the judges,” (Document 3). As the voices of workers grew louder in politics and the Jacksonian Democrats pushed and shoved to help the common man, equality of economic opportunity grew. When Jackson vetoed bill for the Bank of the United States, many argued it was unconstitutional and increased the wealth gap, but Jackson and his supporters feared a monopoly in the wealthy. The Jacksonian Democrats made many other efforts, like the veto of the bank, to support the working class. George Henry Evans echoed this in “The Working Men’s Declaration of Independence” which focused on the basic right and responsibilities of the working class (Document 1). Jacksonian Democrats fought hard for political democracy and equality of economic opportunity, but the guarding of the common man left women and the minorities behind to