2. Jacoby compares some of "the most disempowered women on earth" to the "influential" Oprah Winfrey based on wealth, recognition, and power. Jacoby states that Oprah is a self-made billionaire with an education, whereas Saudi women cannot even get a job without the permission of …show more content…
Jacoby relies more on the point-by-point method than the subject-by-subject method because the whole point of his essay is that women should have the same blessings as men do. The first point that Jacoby makes is that Oprah has not faced what Saudi women have faced, such as Wahhabism fundamentals. Another point hat Jacoby makes in his essay is that Oprah may not be able to handle the suppression that Saudi women face from the men that are supposed to be their "guardians." The most obvious point that Jacoby makes in his essay is that "the blessings of liberty were made for women, too," which rings true to all of the women in the world.
5. The main point of Jacoby's comparison essay is that "the blessings of liberty were made for women, too," and it could be found in the last sentence of the last paragraph. Placing his main point at the end of his essay leaves his readers with a memorable and powerful final thought. Placing his main point at the beginning of his essay would have caused his readers to forget about it as they read through the rest of his