Questions on Teradyne:
1) Compare and contrast Teradyne’s traditional project execution strategy with the approach used on Jaguar—what was similar? What was different?
2) What impact did the project management tools have on the Jaguar project? How did they change behavior? How did they influence performance?
3) What unintended consequences did Teradyne experience in using the project management tools?
4) What lessons should Teradyne take away from the Jaguar project? 1. What is Teradyne's strategy and how is the industry structure changing around it? 2. What problem is management trying to solve? Do you agree with their choice? 3. What is the market need for the Jaguar project? 4. What development strategy was chosen to meet this need? Present strengths and weaknesses of the strategy. 5. The Jaguar project involved both hardware and software. Should the same project management methodology have been used for both? Why or why not? 6. Why do you think the software challenge was larger than anticipated for Teradyne? 7. What effect did the early customer AlphaTech have on the process and the outcome? 8. What value proposition is Teradyne presenting to its customers? Does it resonate with its customers’ needs?