
Jaja's Transformation

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Jaja's Transformation
Similar to Kambili in many ways, Jaja was very respectful and cerebral, though the novel focuses on Kambili’s transformation from a shy to a courageous young woman, the audience also witnesses the transformation of Jaja as well. In many cases Jaja was destined to defy the people around him. As Aunty Ifeoma stated, “I told your mother that it was an appropriate nickname that you would take after Jaja of Opobo… He was the defiant king” (Page.144). However, Jaja never realized what his name truly meant until he went Aunty Ifeoma’s house. Before he was able to discover his true identity and the changes around, Jaja was bounded by his father, as he was forced to obey him in every way or get punished. As Kambili states in the text “When he was ten, he had missed two questions on his catechism test and was not named the best in his …show more content…
Papa took him upstairs and locked the door. Jaja, in tears, came out supporting his arms like a baby all the way to the car”. This reveals that because of Jaja’s father he was unable to expresses his true nature, as he was always under his father tyranny. Illustrating, that since Jaja was confined by his father’s desires, Jaja himself was unable to seek out his on intensions, and discover his own abilities.
However, after living with Aunty Ifeoma, Obiora and Chima, Jaja was able to discover his true nature and slowly he expressed his definite nature, as he embarked new aspects, of which he never encountered before. For instance, when Jaja decides to kill the chicken, Kambili was shocked witness that Jaja would ever commit such an action, “I’ll kill it,” Jaja said, and we all turned to stare at him. “Nna m, you have never killed a chicken, have you? Aunty Ifeoma asked. “No. but I can kill it” (Page.234). This shows that Jaja is changing into a young man, as he is embracing his defiant nature and going against new aspects to gain new experiences. Many times during his stay in aunty Ifeoma’s house, Jaja was able to express

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