Dr. Block 11/08/10
Jake Spak, a 19-year-old actor, and a long-time resident of Los Angeles died yesterday due to a tragic acting related stunt. While acting in his anticipated movie "Death is Tragic," Jake attempted a very dangerous yet necessary motorcycle jump scene. All of the calculations and measures were taken to ensure Jake a safe 50 foot jump. Unfortunately, when Jake was landing, the pressure on the bike was too high and therefore caused the engine to explode instantly. As a result, the force of the explosion caused Jake's legs to tear off and fly in two opposite directions. Jake's body quickly propelled into the air because of his tight grip on the handle bars. Blood scattered on many …show more content…
After the death, reporters rushed to hear words from his family and die-hard fans. One reporter gathered from Jake's mother, "Jake was truly an inspiration to all of us and he will be very missed." "Jake inspired me to be an actor," Jake's brother said sobbing, "and look at me now; I'm worth millions but now I feel like shit." "Jake was the type that motivated his fans and inspired them to live to the fullest,” Jake's manager reported. "He transformed negative people into positive people instantly. Many people don't know, but Jake was also a motivational speaker who wanted to inspire everyone to be happy. And this inspirational speaking was done free for schools and venues around the world. If only his speeches were as much known as his movies, then fans would really know how great of a guy he actually was," Jake’s manager stated. "Jake inspired me on and off the set to just feel better about myself and live fuller," Jake's girlfriend stated. In addition, the contents of Jake's will showed just how caring and nice he was. Jake's large supply of money was split 80% to 20% with the majority going towards several charities supporting the needy and the remaining 20% to his family. His house will be awarded to his girlfriend and her family to reside in. Next, his awards are to be given to his devoted manager, as a thanks for Jake's success. Also, Jake's valuables will be given to life-long friend,