Growing up, Janis passed her time by spending time with her family and friends. The neighborhood kids would hang out everyday and play outside. At noon when the whistle would blow, the kids would go to their houses to eat lunch. When they finished, they would all come back outside to continue playing. Janis and her friends were always outside. Janis’ family did not have …show more content…
There they could sit next to each other, but the girls were not allowed to take their feet off of the ground. If their feet came off of the ground, Mrs. Star, the RA, would come over and force them to put their feet back on the ground. Chuck and Janis only broke that rule a few times. In the dorms Janis and other girls stayed in, there was a phone booth that had a chalkboard next to it. All of the girls hoped that their name was on the board with the letters BCWCL next to it. BCWCL stood for: boy called, will call later. That would make the girls extremely excited; however, if the only letters there were BC, the girls would be sad because that meant a boy called, but they did not say they were going to call later.
When Janis was twenty years old, she hoped that Chuck would ask her to marry her. Some of her friends were getting married and she loved Chuck so much that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. Chuck and Janis were in her parent’s driveway one evening talking about some of their friends that were getting married. Chuck, being his romantic self, said, “Well, maybe we should do that.” Janis looked at him and said, “Yeah, we should.” That was a good idea of Chuck’s because next Summer, they will be celebrating their 50th