Dr. Wigand served the United States Air Force for some time, and was assigned in Vietnam for …show more content…
Wigand was involved in a court case where he was given a deposition testimony, for the state of Mississippi vs. tobacco companies. Dr. Wigand argument was that the tobacco companies worked with nicotine content. Tobacco companies made no effort to provide with a safer product, and failed to reveal to the public on how addicting their product was. In 1996, Dr. Wigand was interviewed and was aired on TV; Dr. Wigand let the nation know and he made it clear how he felt against the cigarette companies. With this interview Dr. Wigand had to hire a bodyguard and he received several threats. Dr. Wigand help in the 1998 settlement agreement where tobacco companies agreed to pay billions of dollars for medical costs.
I believe Dr. Wigand was very brave for all that he did, confronting all those tobacco companies for all their wrong moral things they were doing to the people that were consuming their tobaccos. Even though some people considered him a hero, he didn’t want to be known as a hero and especially not a whistleblower. Dr. Wigand did what any honest human being would do in this situation and most important he never regretted all the work he did even though his personal life was ruined and all because he felt it was the right thing to. Dr. Wigand ethical contribution without doubt makes him a