THEORY Jerome Bruner is one of the founding fathers of Constructivist Theory. Constructivism is an extensive theoretical framework with several perspectives, and Bruner's is only one. Bruner's hypothetical framework is based on the theme that learners create new ideas or concepts based upon existing knowledge. Learning is an active process. Aspects of the process include selection and transformation of information, decision making, generating hypotheses, and making meaning from information and experiences.
Jerome Bruner believes that teachers need:
• To understand the relationship between motivation and learning;
• To understand how structure relates to the whole;
• To learn to form “global concepts”;
• To learn how to build “coherent patterns” of learning;
• To understand that facts without meaning are not learned; and
• To believe that any subject can be taught to any child. (“Any subject can be taught effectively in some intellectually honest form to any child at any stage of development” (Bruner, 1960, p. 33).
Four Key themes