
Jerome Morrow At Gattaca

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Jerome Morrow At Gattaca
1. Describe 3 preparations Vincent had to do every day to pass as Jerome Morrow at GATTACA. In each case explain why he had to do that.

Vincent took many of Jerome Marrow’s DNA from his urine, fingertip blood, and hair, so he can pass as Jerome Marrow. Vincent was asked for his urine before he got hired at the job he works, so the employers can testify that he is in fact Jerome Marrow. When Vincent was blood tested, he had a small device under his fingertips to that was able to hold on to Jerome Marrow’s blood, so he then was able to pass as Jerome Marrow. A women in the movie found a strand of hair lying around Vincent’s desk, so she then took it and tested the hair strand, which is part of Jerome Marrow’s DNA.

2. What are the positive and negative aspects of the world showed in the movie? List at least two positive and two negative aspects.
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If anyone wants to examine their own DNA, then they have easy access to their own biological information. Another positive aspect is if technology is easily accessible to examine DNA, then you can find predispositions that can be fatal. If there is a fatal predisposition, the action can take place to remove it before birth if sperm were used to examine the DNA. A negative aspect is that discrimination can occur easily if an individual were to find a piece of someone else’s piece of genetic DNA, and find information that they are not fond with. Another negative aspect is that someone can use you genetic information against you if they get a hold on it because the world of the movie has everyone able to access technology to examine genetic information, which genetic information can be obtained from handshaking to strands of hairs found on desks in

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