We fight then to discover, to experience the truth about ourselves, to tear away the masks behind which we hide daily. People see theatre as a place of provocation, a challenge the actor sets himself and also, indirectly, other people. Theatre only has a meaning if it allows people to transcend there own stereotyped vision, their general feelings and customs, our standards of judgment. This is so that we may experience what is real and if the audience and the actor can put themselves in a state of complete defenselessness they may unveil and discover themselves. In this way usually through shock it allows people to come out from behind their daily masks. People are then able, without hiding anything, to see themselves as what they sub consciously did not let themselves see previously.
Grotowski's work stressed the importance of the actor, and is known for a physically demanding style of theater bordering on dance choreography. Wojciech Krukowski, a fellow director who runs the Academy of Movement, an experimental Warsaw theater, said Grotowski ``discovered a specific role of an actor who releases not only his own energy but also that of a spectator. He created a kind of