Why do issues arise with the use of ICT? Who has the responsibility of addressing these issues?
Tensions can arise through unintended or deliberate actions or opinions of some of the stakeholders. As a result, the stakeholders develop, control, use or affected by the use of ICT have responsibility both to investigate and real and potention negative efftcs and to eliminate the lessen them as much as possible.
Computer gaming
What are the symptoms of computer addiction?
Users crave computer time.
They are overjoyed when at the computer.
They are unable to stop a computer activity.
They are irritable when not at the computer.
They neglect family and friends.
What are some ways of treating computer addiction?
The treatment usually involves counselling, discussion, positive replacement for the source of the addiction, and actions to negate access to the source. Moreover the illness is often treated through therapy and support groups.
List reasons why certain types of computer games are concern.
Contain a significant amount of violence, allow players to manipulate characters to do acts that would be totally unacceptable in real life.
Why are first-person shooter gams and MMORPgs so appealing?
It allows the player to become the person on the screen and shoot people.
List the responsibilities that people involved with computer games have.
Why are some games not considered as ‘bad’ a game of World of Warcraft?
What are some of the positives that can be gained from playing computer games?
Explain the ICT that is used by NMORGPs
Social networking
With examples, explain five main reasons why social-networking sites have become so popular. * Keeping up with friends * Sharing ideas and information * Finding new friends with common interests * Marketing cheaply and effectively * Building professional relationships
Explain how Wed 2.0 technology is different from the earlier technologies used on the internet.