Instructions: Complete this questionnaire and submit to the General Education Assessment Committee (via the Director of Associate in Arts).
Section I: Enrollment/Completion Number of students on first-day roster ________. Number of student(s) who failed to complete the course _________. Of this number, how many students failed due to quality of work _____? Due to lack of attendance ________? Comments:
Section II: Check the general education core curriculum statements (minimum of three) that you chose as applicable to this course. Also, indicate the cluster outcome(s) you applied as a measure of student performance.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Ability to think critically Ability to express themselves clearly in written and oral communication Ability to express themselves effectively in quantitative terms Understanding of and appreciation for the value and significance of culture Scientific method of inquiry and the historical and contemporary impact of science on daily life Understanding of global, political, social, economic, and historical perspectives Ability to use technology to access, retrieve, process, and communicate information
Indicate the cluster outcome(s) you used to measure students’ performance in the space below.
Section III. Student Performance 1. Number of students whose overall performance, as measured against your selected general education and cluster outcomes, were at each level: _____excellent______above average______average ______minimal____inadequate Were students actively engaged in classroom discussions? ____ yes ____somewhat ____no How many students were disengaged most of the time?______ Comments:
If you have taught this course before, would you indicate whether the overall performance of this group of students was (please check one) ____better ____same ____worse than your previous