Nurses are the largest group of health care professionals providing direct care in hospitals. However, they suffer from job burnout …show more content…
It related with job burnout. According to Aiken, Clarke and Sloane (2002), if there are any unrealistic workloads, it would lead to the shortage of hospital.In addition, it shows forty percent of nurses had job burnout problem and it exceeds the norms of healthcare workers. Some people may argue that nurse just need to take care patient, and it is easy work. In fact, nurses are not only take care patient, but also do some administrative work. Addintionally, nurses are not take care one patient only, they need to take more than one patient at the same time. The statistic shows that nurse-to-patient ratios in public hospital is 1:12. It is higher than other country (Hong Kong Government News, 2013). Nurese also as a bridge of doctor and patient’s family, as patient’s family do not have many chance to see the doctor and nurses need to communicate with patient’s family. It is busy for nurses when visit time. Moreover, nurses face the shortage problem of nurses, thus the workload become