Using the framework of concept analysis, the purpose of this paper is to examine role stress amongst nurses at the workplace. Concept analysis, an approach developed by Walker and Avant in 1986, clarifies the meaning of terms to develop understanding so that writers and readers share a common language. (McEwen & Wills, 2014, p. 58). In order to gain better insight into the method of concept analysis and the steps of…
These days’ nurses are ‘doing more and more with less resources’. Our profession has been known as being of a co-dependent nature. This nature is not only reflected in our career choice but also frequently in our family management which can place double the stress on the nurse. Demands on nurses can lead to burnout or compassion fatigue. This condition not only prevents nurses from giving their patients the optimal care they deserve but can also result in a very unhappy life for the nurse them self. Nursing must work hard and work constantly…
Much of the day a Nurse Anesthetist will be on his/her feet. Nurse Anesthetists are vulnerable to back injuries because they have to lift and move patients throughout the day. Work can be stressful because of the critical decisions they will have to make that will profoundly influence the outcomes of their patients. Patient care is not only physically challenging but emotionally challenging as well, causing stress. Nurse Anesthetists will have to deal with the anxiety, pain, fear and deaths of their patients which is emotionally demanding. Nurse Anesthetist are expected to comfort their patients, but at the same time remain objective. Nurse Anesthetist can come in contact with infectious diseases and potentially harmful drugs, so they have to follow strict, standardized guidelines to guard against diseases and other danger such as accidental needle sticks and patient outbursts.…
Nurses care for patient is a very “demanding environment, hierarchies, prolonged work hours, multiple roles and emotional demands” (Waite et al., p. 126, 2014). When conflict arises, it can be emotionally stressful for the nurse, “which can lead to ineffective patient care compromising patient safety” (Klinkhamer, p.337, 2015) negatively impacting the healthcare organization’s reputation.…
The nursing profession requires an individual to be alert, watchful, and prepared. They must monitor patients closely. Concentration and attentiveness declines when a nurse is overloaded with work. Nurses who become fatigued from the work overload can become a danger to themselves and their patients. Medication errors and pressure ulcers are common results from fatigued nurses. Medication errors happen a lot when a nurse loses the ability to concentrate and focus. Pressure ulcers are a result of poor nursing care which can be caused by fatigue. A nurse may be so fatigued by the end of her shift that she does not properly position a patient. Basic care is sometimes put on the back burner, or is delegated to less qualified staff. As well as providing basic nursing care, a nurse must also give report, check patients orders, medications, and labs, all in one shift! This leaves little time to create or maintain a relationship with a patient. Often times, nurses are assigned five or more patients to take care of in one shift. Nurses become stressed from the pressures of the job, and decide to leave the profession all…
Limitations of this study included cost, extraneous variables, nurses having personal issues, attrition rates and lack of participation due to method of return. As more data are collected, the issue of nurse to nurse variation and non-response biases can be addressed empirically. Also nurses rushing through questionnaire instead of carefully reading each question and thinking of the answer choices before choosing one. A nurse’s stress is not limited to their job but can be related to personal issues in their home or with their…
Nurses are the largest group of health care professionals providing direct care in hospitals. However, they suffer from job burnout…
Frustration. That’s the first word that pops into me head every time I go to clinical. Day after day, being pushed out the way. It made me feel unworthy and stupid. Everybody is getting paired up nurses, while I—I just get to stay on the floor and do mediocre work. Yay. Why aren’t I getting paired with a nurse? Highest achieving student in my nursing class and everyone under the sun, except for me, gets to be with a nurse. I feel incredible anger when I think of why. Under these circumstances, I have been forced to take it out on myself. I keep interrogating my brain, racking my mind for possible causes of this injustice. I must not kid myself, I guess I’m more “book smart” than practical coordinated, but I still deserve a chance.…
Data collection is critical based on the fact that if data is improperly collected, the findings based on that data are worthless (CCN, 2015). Data collection must be consistent, reliable and unbiased. The data collection procedure in this research design started with a structured questionnaire, developed by researchers, based on literature review to assess nurse’s stress factors, workload, satisfaction, and patient care. The sections of the questionnaire were furthered separated into sections, based on demographic data, job satisfaction, and workload. Then a self-developed scale to measure the variables of the study were completed and focused on patient outcomes and quality of patient care. Initial contact with the participants of the study was made with Chief Nursing Officer. Confidentiality was the upmost concern for the study, as confidentiality was promised throughout the study. Secondary data was also used and assessed to view the statistics on the nursing shortage and the increasing nurse workload. The secondary part of the research study also collected from recorded and published data on the specified topics of concern. In addition, a pilot study was carried out by nursing officers of the hospital. Reliability of data collection was a critical concern of the researchers in this study and for this reason, content validity of instruments were used and based on a comprehensive study and…
In all the research on stress management for nurses there are two that stand out among all the various reports and professional peer to peer advice, is the necessity for good co-worker relationships and uninterrupted time away from work on a regular basis. This is not to say that there needs to be vacations taken wildly and expensively, just time away from the hospital uninterrupted and regularly. These can be done at the same time, by going out with co-workers and building great relationships outside of work with their fellow nurses those who are under more stress than others can lean on those who understand the most. Simple, yes, easy, not…
As nurses strive to provide quality patient care in modern time, different and complex challenges emerges which may cause varying levels of burnout.…
Fatigue affects nurse’s ability to make sound decisions in critical care settings. Nurses are more likely to suffer from fatigue and sleepiness due to longer shifts. Fatigue can affect the nurse physically, mentally, and emotionally. Fatigued nurses are more likely than well rested nurses to make unsound decisions that may lead to errors, decision regret or negative emotions following a decision during time of fatigue.…
; these domains can also too stay in conflict. Stress may additionally result beside the blended duties about work, marriage, then children. The effects of each job yet nonworking strength among nurses hold been strong infrequently. And yet; nonworking stress can also be particularly salient according to nursing a predominantly girl…
Researchers recognize that burnout is common among nurses. Stress has been noted to be an occupational hazard for many years. Recently there are nursing shortages increasing the staff to patient ratios which also exacerbates the situation. Nursing professionals face extraordinary stresses in our present medical environment (Cohen-Katz, Wiley, Capuano, Baker, Shapiro, 2005). Bringing awareness to nurses’ occupational stressors can help motivate managerial staff to help find ways to facilitate the changes necessary to promote a more conducive work environment. A qualitative method was used to recognize the causes and solution to decrease occupational stressors. This paper will include the background, methods, results, and ethical considerations of the study.…
College students are exposed to different stressors as they are complying to gain a degree. It is what Beck, et al.(1997) said that students face many challenges and stressors. He added that “nursing” students are likely to experience even “more stress” than their friends and colleagues enrolled in other programs. A study comparing the stress levels of various professional students found that nursing students experience higher levels of stress than other students.…