You will answer some interview questions.
The Requirements. This isn’t a real job interview. But most of you will be interviewing soon. This is a chance to practice. In this activity, you are expected to answer in writing some questions as if you were sitting an interview. Start by indicating
Your Name :
The company you are applying to :
The position you are applying for :
Some tips. In your answers * Show respect for your interviewer. * Avoid expressions like “That’s a good question.’ They are all good questions. * Don’t indicate a question is too tough. * Display confidence, not arrogance. Be teachable. * Be positive and upbeat. Turn failures into positive learning experiences. Never speak negatively about anyone. Always consider how you will fit within the company; the interviewer wants to know you’ll match their corporate culture.
Some suggestions. You have to answer two sets of questions (part 1 and part 2) and pose a set of questions for you to ask (part 3).
You can structure your answers in three parts: 1. Beginning. Rephrase and answer the question. 2. Middle. Give examples. 3. End. Tie your strengths to the employer’s needs.
When answering general questions, you could use the S3 pattern: 1. State your answer. 2. Support your answer. 3. Summarise your answer.
Consider the PAR pattern to answer questions about your accomplishments: 1. Describe the Problem. 2. Describe the Action you took. 3. Describe the Results.
PART 1:By and large, an interview is like a test. Just like you study for a test, you shall prepare for an interview so that you can do a lot better job in promoting/selling yourself. For this reason, I want you to prepare for an interview by answering the