Nursing has been called the oldest of the art, and the youngest of the profession. As such, it has gone through many stages and has been an integral part of social movements. Nursing has been involved in the existing culture, shaped by it and yet being to develop it. The trend analysis and future scenarios provide a basis for sound decision making through mapping of possible futures and aiming to create preferred futures. The future will see great advantages in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness and diseases with increasing demand for heath care and health information. As large hospital are replaced by high tech and small hospitals, health care will be provided in homes and out reach facilities and the focus will be on provider skill, out comes and user preference and satisfaction. Nurses will be the preferred care providers and entry points for diverse services. On the other hand there will be challenges related to ethics, rising costs, access to care and quality of care. Nurses will have an essential public health role and patients will become more demanding. Healthier life styles, continuum of care, health environments and evidence based practice will be emphasized and in the forefront of nursing agenda. Globalization will enhance free movement, standardization, and wider opportunities and challenges. The changing work environment will be driven by cost effectiveness and quality of care for which nursing is well positioned. The multifaceted components in this unfolding will be; the revolutionary advances that we continue to witness in modern medical practice as a result of technological advances from the fields of physics, electronics, instrumentation, chemical and material sciences. The advent of molecular medicine, with work at the frontiers of modern biology particularly on the human genome, and it 's relevance to the generic basis of disease; the importance of recent advances relating to the human brain the wide
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