Job safety analysis
1. Date : /dd/mm/yy
2. Job Location : Cast House. VAL-Jharsuguda
3. Job Details : Thermograph Test of Tilting Furnace
4. Description of the Job to be carried out: Thermograph Test of Tilting Furnace
Requirement of All Personal Protective Equipments and Else:
1. Safety Helmet. 2. Safety Shoe. 3. Electrical Rubber Hand Gloves 4. Flash Proof Jacket 5. Safety Google 7. Dust Mask / Respirator 8. Fire Extinguisher
|Sr. No. |Steps involved in doing the job |Hazard Identification |Controls - How can the hazards be prevented? |Siemens Safety Dept.|
| | |What could go wrong | |Remarks |
|1 |Job related work permit to be received from |Fill all points given in work permit and |Before executing the job work permit should be | |
| |VAL concern Department |check the appropriate action to minimize |taken and check all points for prevent the | |
| | |the work related hazards, otherwise this |potential of hazards | |
| | |could lead an accident | | |
|2 |Tool Box Talk / SOP / SWP |Before Executing the job all working |Tool Box Talk should be given by Concerned | |
| | |personnel should be undergone through |Engineers, supervisors and or Sr.Technicians. | |
| | |proper knowledge regarding potential of |The communication Language