Military bearing affects the work center and the people around you in different ways. Having good and bad military bearing will always have different results. With a mess up no would not want to work with you at all.…
For this activity you will do a library search for resources in your area of professional or research interest. Locate three peer-reviewed journal articles, one book chapter, and one scholarly resource (website or other resource). Then, prepare a brief paper on your library search and your results. First, fill out this chart and for each resource include the following:…
Working at McDonald’s is an article that emphasizes how irrelevant working in high school is on the scale of importance in life. Amitai Etzioni points out that teenagers are distracted by repetitive jobs when they should be focusing on their education. Etzioni makes his argument about teenage jobs undermining school attendance and involvement, imparting few skills that will be useful later on in life, and skewing the values of teenagers especially their ideas about the worth of a dollar. McDonald’s, in this case, provides “no room for initiative, creativity, or even elementary rearrangements” says Etzioni.…
Intrapersonal Intelligence states that Understanding yourself (and your goals, strengths, weaknesses, style, biases) and improving self-management skills, such as time management and stress management.…
Military life is not easy. It is not a typical nine-to-five job. There are no normal days. It is an extremely dangerous profession where it is not only your life that hangs in the balance of your decisions but others as well. There are many faces of a soldier. You are a weapon, a defender, a friend and a deadly enemy. You have to be able to make decisions quickly without receiving much information. You must lead soldiers while being led. The ability to give lawful orders and have them executed in precision efficiency is equally important to follow orders in the same fashion.…
Employment based, Government funded, and Private Pay Health Insurance is the most common type of coverage. Workman’s Compensation is Government funded with a portion of the funds coming from employers. Also, separately funded, is the Military Medical Care system, caring for active, discharged, retired, and families of military men and women.…
Many of us will work numerous dumb jobs in our lives before we finally get settled into a permanent position. Dumb jobs such as working as an usher like the narrator in the essay: "Stupid Jobs Are Good to Relax With". A couple of other examples would be jobs in a fast food restaurant or a retail store.…
In the essay, “Working at McDonald’s,” Amitai Etzioni talks about his belief that working, especially at fast food chain restaurants can be bad for teenagers. Working, for teenagers under some circumstances can be bad for them but sometimes its good depending on the daily schedule of whomever is working. If the teen is still in school, working is bound to affect their involvement and attendance in negative ways. Though it’s true that while working you gain on the job experience, Etzioni believes it can’t really help if it comes at the cost of education while teens think the opposite. Fast food jobs do have an advantage earning money while also learning how to manage the money they make. It boils down to whether or not risks outweigh the benefits when working jobs like this which all depends on the current situation of the teen.…
The first thing I notice about the term is the word “profession”. When most people hear that word, they immediately think of careers that require years of training and individuals who are experts in their craft. The professions that most immediately think of are the doctors, lawyers, and scientists, but the military is just as much of a profession as any of these other careers. From the moment I enlisted in the military I began training, and this training has continued throughout my career thus far. This consistent training has allowed me to become a highly educated and an expert in my craft. The idea of a member of this profession being an expert at their job is so important, it is part of the Soldier’s Creed. I live by the idea that I am an expert and a professional.…
Plot: The main idea of this book was writing a true-life story and analyzing how two famous serial killers, James Ruzicka and Carl Harp, had very similar lives. They were mirror images of each other. “A Fever In The Heart” by Ann Rule, started off with their important facts and events from their childhood to their adulthood. These two serial killers were so similar that they were bond to be together. They met in a jail cell and soon became allies. Some similarities they had were that they both had mothers that weren’t really considered an adult figure and they both didn’t have a love of a father. Other examples were that they were only a year a part; both started having sexual interests at a very young age (6 or 7). These common situations both brought them to killing women. Both had the capacity to be charming and can have a harmless appearance. They both shared an alias known as “Troy Asin.” James Ruzicka would catch women from the ages of 15 to their 20s by putting a sharp object around their neck and telling them that his brother had been shot by random people and that he needed help. He would then bring them to an abandoned place and then proceed to rape and kill them. Carl Harp was on a hill where you can see the view of interstate 405 freeway and started shooting random drivers. He also raped two hitchhikers threatening them that if they would not cooperate he would shoot them with his riffle. After that he let the girls go and in a couple of days later he was arrested and convicted for life in jail.…
When we think about the military these days, normally the first thing that comes to mind is war. However, when we think about the civilian world the one thing that stands out is freedom. As a result, in order to maintain that freedom we must have our military go out and fight wars. There are many differences between our military and the civilian life; nonetheless, similarities do exist. A few that will be discussed pertaining to military and civilian life are how soldiers and civilian personnel are accounted for, their different clothing and their rank structure.…
Sociology professor, Amitai Etzioni, explains in his article “Working at McDonalds,” how teenagers having a part-time job can be bad for them as it fosters escape from school and responsibilities and a short cut to the consumer aspects of adult life. My experience with work while I am in high school created the foundation of my work ethic. I have been employed at different places over my high school years but they have all taught me something different that you can’t learn by reading a book or listening to a lecture in class. They have given me people skills, taught me responsibility, self-discipline, and independence. I have learned the value of a dollar by working for my money and saving for things I want. Etzioni’s argument is not valid for several reasons. One being that he has never worked at the establishment he is fighting against. He portrays teen working environments in extremes. Teens are either being trained to work the register like a robot or left to his/her own devices that lead to moral corruption.…
The statement in question is highlighting arears pertaining to the classical view of work. In this essay i will be discussing the different alternatives of viewing work and how meaningful work, together with employers and their employees, can rather be achieved through mutual cooperation.…
State system employees are those employed b y the public service or a local council. Unless an award or agreement that applies to an employee provides for better conditions, state system employees in Queensland are entitled to: equal pay for work of equal or comparable value 12 months unpaid parental leave long service leave notice of termination (or payment in lieu) A minimum wage (determined by the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission each year) penalty rates for overtime work paid rest pauses paid sick leave casual loading maximum working hours per week and per day.…
Samuel Sidney McClure (1857-1949) created the first literary syndicate and developed "muckraking," which established him as one of America's notable editors. He was born in County Antrim, Ireland, and emigrated with his widowed mother to Indiana when he was nine years old. He grew up nearly impoverished on a farm and graduated from Valparaiso High School in 1875. He worked his way through Knox College, where he co-founded its student newspaper, and later moved to New York City. In 1884, he established the McClure Syndicate, the first U.S. newspaper syndicate,[1] which serialized books. McClure created a whole new form of writing for his journalists that we still use today. Instead of demanding that his writers give him articles for his paper immediately, he would give them all the time they needed to do extensive research on their topics.…