Musician. [1]
A musician is an instrumentalist who creates and/or performs music. This could be live on a stage or in a recording studio, either as a soloist of in a group. Musicians usually specialize in one type of music, but some branch out into others to expand their range.
Most musicians activities will be similar regardless of what instrument they play or the type of job they have. General tasks for a musician can include;
Performing on stage and participating in recording sessions,
Practicing regularly,
Preparing for auditions,
Preparing for and attending rehearsals.
Maintaining instrument,
Learning required music.
A Musician can work closely with; [11]
Actors. Fellow actors may be on stage while the Musician is playing, this means they will share rehearsals together and generally performers spend time backstage with each other, especially if they are touring with each other. They may also give each other feedback, and constructive criticisms which will help improve the individuals performance which will boost the whole shows performance.
Dancers/Singers. If the Musician is assisting in providing a backing track for a dance piece or singing piece then the musician and performers will need to work closely together to construct their performance and rehears it to get it up to a high quality performance.
Musical directors. If a show or production features live music it will most probably have a musical director or someone of that sort who knows a lot about music and how to adjust it so it can be at it's best during a show. A musician will have meetings and one-on-one sessions with the musical director to work on music pieces, receive feedback and check that the musician is keeping on target. The musical director will also pass on ideas or problems that have risen from any meetings between directors and producers.
Actor/Actress. [2]
An actor communicates a character and/or