1.1- My current role is a learning assistant support practitioner within a secondary education setting. This involves working with vulnerable children and young adults on a daily basis. This includes children on the autistic spectrum, children with physical disabilities, and children with other learning disabilities such as dyslexia or dyspraxia. It is my role to offer the best support I can in order to make accessing the curriculum far easier for them, so that their opportunities are equal to their peers.
Also within this job role I work closely with the music department within the school, and offer administration support and planning support for lessons; especially in cases where it could be far better understood by the children I work with. This enables me to identify the ways in which they learn best and help everyone including the children with special educatory needs to progress more effectively throughout their school-lives.
In addition to this, I am tasked with tackling many young adults’ difficulties in understanding social situations and managing their behaviour as a result of this. This may be through the playing of games which require teamwork and careful cohesion to achieve a better result; or giving them opportunities to express themselves in the correct manner to a named TA (in this case myself). For example, if a situation has arisen within the school day, and the individual has been upset with the way they, or a peer reacted to their behaviour. We discuss strategies they could use in order to prevent this sort of incident occurring again, in addition to teaching them ways they could repair any trust or friendships that may have been damaged by the event. This overall also builds rapport with the individual, and they feel they can express their emotions freely; causing their school-life to be far less stressful.
1.2- Expectations of my